๐Ÿ—„๏ธAPI Reference

The service allows users to easily query for recent price updates via a REST API or via a websocket

Through a REST API Endpoint

A user could use this endpoint to query symbol price quotes via REST API. Our REST API endpoints could be found at: https://api.eoracle.network

Get Rate

  • Endpoint: /api/v1/get_rate

  • Method: GET

  • Parameters:

    • symbol (string, required): The symbol for which to get the rate.

  • Authentication The REST API authentication method uses a username and password. The username is the API key provided to you by eOracle, and the password should be left blank.

$ curl -X GET -u your_api_key "https://api.testnet.eoracle.network/api/v1/get_feed?symbol=eth"

Get Symbols

  • Endpoint: /api/v1/get_symbols

  • Method: GET


curl -u your_api_key: 'https://api.eoracle.network/api/v1/get_symbols'


["jpy", "eth", "btc"]

Socket.IO API

We provide a simple socket stream using the standard Socket.IO library. The message protocol is described in the following section and includes a connection, authentication and subscribe phases.


Connection is made to our eOracle api endpoint at https://api.testnet.eoracle.network. Once connected the consumer can initiate an authentication event.

Request Events

  1. authenticate

  • name: authenticate

  • payload:

  "token": "your_api_key" // your oracle api key
  1. subscribe

    • name: subscribe

    • payload:

       "topic": "feed", //(string, required): The topic to subscribe to (e.g., 'feed').
       "symbols": ["btc", "eth", "jpy"] //(array of strings, optional): An array of symbols to subscribe to. If empty, subscribe to all symbols.
  2. authenticated

    • This message is received when your client was successfully authenticated with a valid API key. Once you receive this it's a good trigger point for subscribing to quote feeds.

    • name: 'authenticated'

    • payload: none

  3. quote

    • name: quote

    • payload:

      "symbol": "eth",
      "rate": "1923.45", 
      "timestamp": 1238971228, 
      "data": "0xbd3de674b8bd65........93c9220fb3202e405266", // provable merkle tree

Last updated