The following sections outline security aspects of the eOracle protocol
eOracle Validator Sets are integrated into the Ethereum PoS Validator Set through the Aegis protocol, enabling Ethereum validators to participate freely in the eOracle network permissionlessly.
eOracle is an expansion chain that derives its cryptoeconomic security from Ethereum staking and benefits from the stability of ETH. Through innovative infrastructure provided by Eigenlayer, Ethereum Validators are able to participate in the eOracle blockchain as part of Validator Set
. Validators can initiate a withdrawal from the Validator Set
, and membership can be revoked for misbehavior, within Ethereum.
Naively implementing a new PoS protocol is not possible since the validators' stake is managed on Ethereum rather than directly by the protocol. To address this challenge, we developed Aegis—a novel protocol for creating an expansion chain based on primary-chain stake, in our case, restaked ETH. The eOracle blockchain is built on Aegis.
Aegis uses references from Aegis blocks to primary-chain blocks to define Validator Set
, checkpoints on the primary chain to perpetuate decisions, and resets on the primary chain to establish a new committee if the previous one becomes obsolete. It ensures safety at all times and rapid progress when latency among Aegis nodes is low.
While traditional oracles rely on their proprietary tokens to maintain ecosystem health and secure operations, eOracle introduces a novel security approach with its dual-token design. The model synergizes the specific advantages of a protocol-dedicated token with the enhanced security and economic stability provided by a well-established token like ETH, used for staking purposes.
This dual-token approach marks a notable shift from the single token model. By incorporating ETH for staking purposes, eOracle connects to a broader and more resilient economic base. This strategy effectively mitigates risks associated with blockchain protocols that rely on protocol-specific tokens.
The following sections provide a mathematical analysis, showing the enhanced security and stability of such a system.
Cryptoeconomic security (CES) is a useful measure for analysis, consider the following;
Given a set of colluding validators that we henceforth term the attacker, we assume that the attacker has the ability to corrupt the majority of the validators. Therefore, the attacker possesses the power to manipulate the consensus process, potentially leading to double-spending, censoring transactions, or altering the integrity of the blockchain's state.
To assess whether attacking is beneficial, the attacker must take into account two elements: the Cost of Corruption () and the Profit from Corruption ().
encompasses the total resources the attacker must invest to successfully manipulate the protocol, i.e., slashing of their stake, technical resources required for the attack and other associated expenses. Since we focus on assessing the efficacy of stake slashing as a deterrent and its influence on the CES, we assume that the primarily involves the loss of the attacker's staked assets, while other costs will be disregarded.
signifies the potential gains the attacker would achieve post-successful manipulation. Our analysis requires a more subtle approach towards , and thus we divide into two sources as follows:
Profit from Manipulation () is the internal profit the attacker can gain by manipulating the protocol. For instance, for Oracle protocols, it is the profit that could be extracted by a malicious price update. The is upper-bounded by the protocol's Total Value Secured (TVS).
Profit from Depreciation () addresses the external profit the attacker can gain from betting on price volatility or depreciation through, e.g., derivative markets or short selling.
Notice that . A rational attacker will only attack if .
We capture this in the following definition.
Definition (CES Margin). A protocol has a -crypto-economic security margin, or a -CES margin, if
In what follows, we explicitly assume that increasing the CES margin implies a more crypto-economically (CE) secure protocol and say that a protocol is CE-secure or CE-vulnerable, referring to a positive or negative CES margin, respectively.
To demonstrate how the CES margin is affected by the nature of the protocol's token, we compare the following two scenarios:
EnshrinedOracle, which relies on the base-layer's token that we denote by $ETH
TraditionalOracle, relying on its own token that we denote by $TRD
The value and utility of $ETH are independent of EnshrinedOracle's activities, unlike $TRD, whose value is closely tied to the operations of TraditionalOracle.
Under the same attack, the EnshrinedOracle is far more cryptoeconomically secure, as the underlying stake is not derived from the operations of the EnshrinedOracle. In contrast, such an attack would devastate the cryptoeconomic security of the TraditionalOracle.
Being able to short $TRD based on the TraditionalOracle's operations increases the potential profit from attack, whereas there is no such benefit for attacking EnshrinedOracle.
Next, we analyze the ramifications of a sudden decrease of $TRD
market cap. Such a change in valuation could result from the volatile nature of the crypto space or the unintended fault of the protocol.
Observation 3. Assume the protocol is CE-secure. Any fluctuation in $TRD
market cap can make the protocol CE-vulnerable.
This observation is demonstrated using an example.
Next, we analyze EnshrinedOracle, relying on the independent $ETH
token. The CES margins of EnshrinedOracle before the event is
The figure below depicts the change in the CES margin of EnshrinedOracle due to the same event. Importantly, under precisely the same event, EnshrinedOracle remains CE secure.
The TraditionalOracle's CE security is far more susceptible to market fluctuations, whereas EnshrinedOracle's security is resilient to external market forces.
Passively, due to an increase in $TRD
market cap.
Let us examine these two solutions. For the passive approach of experiencing an increase in $TRD
market cap, note that the TraditionalOracle cannot (legally) control the price and ensure a positive CES margin. Particularly, if the TVS fluctuation and the price fluctuation are not identical (correlation is not enough in this case), the TraditionalOracle could become CES-vulnerable (a scenario similar to that in Observation 3). The active approach is also challenging, as it requires the TraditionalOracle to call capital on demand while not being connected to an independent pool of capital.
EnshrinedOracle can mitigate a TVS increase by controlling the stake, allowing the CoC to scale accordingly.
TraditionalOracle's security scheme demands stakers hold $TRD
, thus, stakers have to posses a token with relatively small market cap that depends on the protocol's performance. In contrast, EnshrinedOracle could accept stake in $ETH
, the base-layer's token. $ETH
is less volatile, does not suffer from inflation, and is a multi-purpose token. These differences allow EnshrinedOracle to demand less of its stakers compared to TraditionalOracle's stakers, who may demand a premium for the additional risks they take (possessing $TRD
and being exposed to a potential turbulent macroeconomic environment). Additionally, since EnshrinedOracle's stakers could be re-stakers through Eigenlayer, their capital efficiency is maximized.
An independent token makes EnshrinedOracle significantly more CE secure than its counterparts utilizing a staking token. However, oracle sovereign tokens offer other advantages if decoupled from the CES risks.
By rewarding validators with a token, an incentive structure can be designed to increase the rate of rewards. Factors such as uptime, accuracy , and longevity of validators may increase their rewards earned. This achieves both incentivization of higher quality validation, and alignment of validators with the interests of the protocol.
A token vesting mechanism requires validators to be aligned with the network by locking their rewards and ensuring the commitment of the validators during the vesting period. This enhances the stability and security of the network.
A sovereign token design also allows for creating a punishment structures , where rewards can be revoked on non-malicious misbehavior. To avoid slashing Beacon Chain ETH , all non-malicious behavior will addressed with sovereign token punishments.
Implementing all of these mechanisms while having stake rooted in $ETH
retains the CES benefits of EnshrinedOracle while avoiding the CES vunerabilities of TraditionalOracle.
We now discuss the ingredient and suggest a (stylized and simplified) way to quantify it. Crucially, it does not rely on any property of a protocol and refers to any asset, be it cryptocurrency, fiat, or stock.
Consider a token we call $TOK
, and assume that the attacker can short $TOK
. Since we assume the attack is relatively quick, we neglect the shorting fees. The amount of short positions is bounded by $TOK
's short interest. Namely, the percentage of $TOK
's free float market cap that the attacker could short sell, which we denote by . We stress that typically . Further, let denote $TOK
's total market cap (in USD). We therefore assume the attacker can open a short position of USD. Next, let denote the percentage of depreciation due to the attack, for . A short seller can thus earn for every $TOK
they short. All in all, a successful short trade will grant the attacker a profit of USD.
We assume that the only difference between EnshrinedOracle and the TraditionalOracle is the token used for staking. In both scenarios, the market cap of the stake is equal and worth (measured in USD); however, as we show shortly, the two scenarios imply different CES margins. The reason is that an attack's ramifications are different.
For TraditionalOracle ($TRD
), a successful attack on the TraditionalOracle will affect the $TRD
value, as the $TRD
's inherent value is tied to the operations of TraditionalOracle. The attacker can gain USD by shorting $TRD
prior to the attack; hence, in TraditionalOracle's case .
For EnshrinedOracle ($ETH
), as the value and utility of $ETH
are unrelated to the EnshrinedOracle protocol the price of $ETH
will not be affected. Thus, the equals 0 for EnshrinedOracle.
Observation 1. If the TraditionalOracle, which relies on its own token $TRD
, has a -CES margin, then EnshrinedOracle, which relies on the base-layer's token $ETH
, has a -CES margin.
Observation 1 is illuminating. To illustrate, assume that the TraditionalOracle is a medium-sized decentralized service ( billion USD) with a reasonable short interest ().
Under a severe attack (), its CES margin is smaller by 70-100 million USD compared to EnshrinedOracle.
External, unforeseen events can break the CES of the TraditionalOracle. A crucial observation is that the , which is the stake of the validators, is always smaller than $TRD
's market cap . Let denote the proportion of $TRD
market cap used for staking in the protocol, namely . We use this formulation to analyze the robustness of the protocol and suggest it is susceptible to a death spiral.
Observation 2. For any real number , the TraditionalOracle could be CE-vulnerable even if the cost of corruption is times the profit of manipulation, i.e., .
The above observation means that attacks might be executed even if the is negligible, provided that the attacker can gain from a $TRD
price decrease after the attack. The component should thus reflect not only the TVS (through ) but also the short interest (through ).
We analyze the CES of TraditionalOracle after a major price drop, which occurs due to, e.g., a major crypto volatility event. We denote by the time of the price drop. We assume that the stake proportion is the attacker's foreseen price drop is , and the short interest is .
Before the attack at , we assume the market cap of $TRD
is (all monetary quantities are given in million USD terms). Consequently, , and Additionally, we assume that before time the potential profit from manipulation is
The event at , which occurs due to a major crypto volatility event, causes the market cap of all crypto tokens to decrease. Particularly, we assume that $TRD
drops by and that the more stable$ETH
drops by . Furthermore, such a market cap change also decreases the . TraditionalOracle's TVS is comprised of different tokens, for instance in $ETH
, wrapped versions of $BTC
, stable coins ($USDT
), and more. Some of those tokens are more volatile than others, and some do not fluctuate at all. We thus assume that, on average, the drops on the same scale as $ETH
, namely by .
The figure below depicts the situation before and after , as we formally analyze next.
Let us analyze the CES margin. Before , we see that the CES margin is positive, since
After , which occurs due to a major crypto volatility event, the market cap of $TRD
drops by and becomes . As a result, the falls to and the drops to . Furthermore, the market cap of all crypto market drops and, as noted above, the drops by . Overall, the CES margin becomes negative, since
Thus, the event at that sparked a price drop made the TraditionalOracle CE vulnerable.
The event at affects EnshrinedOracle's CES margin as well. First, EnshrinedOracle has no as it relies on an independent token; thus, the attacker cannot gain from betting on price drops. Secondly, EnshrinedOracle's decreases due to the drop of $ETH
, by to become. Thirdly, as in the case of TraditionalOracle, the drops by , becoming . Overall, the CES margins of EnshrinedOracle after the event is
Until now, we have focused on , an element that plays a crucial role in the TraditionalOracle but not in EnshrinedOracle. The analysis assisted in understanding how an independent token ($TRD
) decreases the CES margin (Observation 1), making the protocol susceptible to attacks even if the is orders of magnitude greater than the (Observation 2), and could result in vulnerabilities in times of price fluctuations (Observation 3). But relying on a dedicated token $TRD
bares other weaknesses. In the next section, we extend our analysis to challenges in the , particularly around issues of scaling and cost of capital.
Assume that both protocols gain traffic and usage, resulting in a ten-fold increase in the TVS. The higher the TVS, the higher the ; hence, the CES margin decreases dramatically. For simplicity, we shall assume that the is a constant fraction of the TVS. How can the protocols regain their CE security?
Observation 4. To keep the CES margin positive, the should scale linearly with the TVS.
Recall that for TraditionalOracle, where is the staked proportion of $TRD
and is $TRD
market cap. The TraditionalOracle can hence increase its in two ways:
Actively, by increasing the staked proportion .
The TraditionalOracle satisfies , with . EnshrinedOracle has the same and , but zero since it relies on the independent $ETH
token. Its CES margin is thus .
Assume that , namely that . Therefore,
The attack is thus beneficial as long as . Specifically, if the short interest is greater or equal to the stake proportion , the protocol becomes CE-vulnerable if the attacker expects a price drop of . This vulnerability still remains even if , since could potentially reach 1 and for any
Assume that before the event, the market cap satisfies ; thus, the protocol is CE-secure since
Assume that the does not depend on the market cap . This is the case for, e.g., lending markets that mostly offer contracts in $ETH
, etc. Since , there exists a real number , for , such that . Denote by the market cap of $TRD
after the event. Consequently, if , it holds that
thus, the protocol is CE-vulnerable. In other words, if the is not affected by the event, a market cap decrease can spark an attack.
For the sake of this proof, we use the subscript to refer to objects in time ; for instance, is the at time . The CES margin at time is given by
Assume at time the CES margin is positive and equals . Further, assume by contradiction that , where is the little-o notation. Our assumption about the being a constant fraction of the TVS implies that also holds. By definition, there exists a time for which , and hence
therefore, the protocol is CE-vulnerable at time .
In practice, the attacker would buy leveraged contracts and employ trading strategies. We focus on short positions, ensuring our model is simple yet aligned with reality.