eOracle feeds are provided in <SYMBOL>/USD by default. If you need a different currency pair, you can calculate it using two existing data feeds. For instance, to get the BTC/ETH price, you can use the BTC/USD feed and the ETH/USD feed and calculate BTC/ETH by dividing the two.
Here is an example:
For your convenience, please see the following resources if relevant for your use case:
eOracle Adapter (for Chainlink)
This page details how to configure an automated Gelato task to update price feeds regularly.
Gelato serves as the decentralized backend for web3, enabling developers to create enhanced smart contracts that are automated across all major EVM-compatible blockchains. Gelato offers Web3 Functions (W3F), which execute your smart contract's functions based on various triggers, on and off-chain.
Head to https://app.gelato.network/functions/create and connect your wallet.
For this guide, we will define a transaction to our consumer contract every three minutes.
Input the consumer contract address (must be verified on Etherscan for ABI fetching) and select the function you wish to automate.
Create the task and approve the transaction through your wallet.
You can see the task by going to https://app.gelato.network/functions?type=tasks and selecting the task. Note you will have to fund the task with 1balance. You can acquire it at https://app.gelato.network/1balance.
After selecting the task, you can see the task activity.