Getting a different currency pair eOracle feeds are provided in <SYMBOL>/USD by default. If you need a different currency pair, you can calculate it using two existing data feeds. For instance, to get the BTC/ETH price, you can use the BTC/USD feed and the ETH/USD feed and calculate BTC/ETH by dividing the two.
B T C / U S D E T H / U S D = B T C / E T H \dfrac{BTC/USD}{ETH/USD}=BTC/ETH ET H / U S D BTC / U S D ā = BTC / ET H Here is an example:
Copy // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
interface IEOFeedManager {
struct PriceFeed {
uint256 value;
uint256 timestamp;
function getLatestPriceFeed(uint16 symbol) external view returns (PriceFeed memory);
function getLatestPriceFeeds(uint16[] calldata symbols) external view returns (PriceFeed[] memory);
* Network: Holesky
* FeedManager: 0x723BD409703EF60d6fB9F8d986eb90099A170fd0
contract PairConverter {
uint256 constant PRECISION = 1e18;
function getConvertedPrice(
address _feedManager,
) public view returns (int256) {
uint256 btcRate = _feedManager.getLatestPriceFeed(1).rate;
uint256 ethRate = _feedManager.getLatestPriceFeed(2).rate;
return ((btcRate * PRECISION) / ethRate);